Ingibjörg Kaldalóns
Assistant Professor, University of Iceland
Life Worth Living Course Development
University of Iceland
Department of Education and Diversity
Prof. Kaldalóns Ph.D. degree in Education 2015 joined the School of Education at University of Iceland in 2016 where her profession is in the field of psychology of education.

Prof. Kaldalóns completed a Ph.D. degree in Education 2015 from the School of Education, University of Iceland and joined the Department of Education and Diversity in 2016. Her main area of teaching and research is in the field of psychology of education; such as social and emotional learning, teacher’s and students’ resilience and well-being, motivation and inner growth. She founded a new study program emphasizing Psychology of Education (2017) and established new courses of well-being and social and emotional learning drawing on motivational literature, positive psychology, positive education and the work of CASEL and SEE-learning. As part of a European cooperative project called UPRIGHT ( she developed and co-created learning material to support teachers’ and students’ resilience and well-being. The result of this co creative intervention project has been tested and published in seven different languages. She has also published a number of papers on these subjects (mentioned above) such as - teachers’ wellbeing and students’ autonomy and motivation.