Life Worth Living Programs

At Yale, in college classrooms around the world, in high schools and middle schools, in army barracks, and around kitchen tables, Life Worth Living programs are inviting each of us to ask and to respond to life’s biggest questions.
Maybe what we need is to ask the deeper question: What is truly worth wanting in the first place?
This question once came pre-answered—by culture, by religion, by tradition—but these days, we each have to ask and answer for ourselves: What is the good life? What does it mean to live a flourishing life? These are difficult questions that require intellectual muscles many of us have never developed; we need one another’s help to ask and answer them well.
Through courses at Yale College, teacher training, collaboration with faculty around the world, and more, the Life Worth Living program equips students, educators, and the public for the lifelong process of discerning, articulating, and pursuing the good life by engaging the world’s philosophical and religious traditions.
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By Miroslav Volf, Matthew Croasmun & Ryan McAnnally-Linz
Ancient Voices in Modern Life
The authors of Life Worth Living: A Guide to What Matters Most offer this exclusive bonus preface that appeared in the Korean translation of the book.