2023 Fellow

Alexis Artaud de La Ferrière

Lecturer, Royal Holloway, University of London



Royal Holloway, University of London


Law, Criminology, Sociology

I am a Lecturer in Sociology at Royal Holloway. My work focuses on the contemporary history and sociology of Catholicism.

I am a Lecturer in Sociology here at Royal Holloway and an Associate Researcher at the Groupe Sociétés Religions Laïcités (EPHE/CNRS) in Paris.I am the President of the Association Française de Sciences Sociales des Religions and I sit on the editorial board of the peer-reviewed journal Social Sciences and Missions. I am also a member of the Panel of Experts for the International Religious Liberty Association and a member of the Council of Experts for the International Association for the Defence of Religious Freedom.My research interests revolve around the relationship between religion, politics, and society. Most of my work focuses on the sociology and contemporary history of Roman Catholicism, including dynamics of change within the Catholic Church, Catholic missiology, Catholic responses to international migration, post-colonial expressions of Catholicism, and the relation between sociological accounts of religion and theological authority. I am also interested in Church-State relations, laïcité, freedom of religion and belief, and secularisation theory. Recently, I have conducted research into the French Catholic Chaplaincy for Migrants (as part of RELIMIG, a collaborative project investigating the social and religious trajectories of Catholic migrants led by Valérie Aubourg), the Catholic Church in Tunisia, the Scalabrinian Missionaries (with Blandine Cheleni-Pont), and the impact of COVID-19 restrictions on religious liberty in North America and Europe (with Nicholas Miller).I am currently working on a research project into listening practices and synodality in the Catholic Church.

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