HST 21008 | Life Worth Living (Univ of Sheffield)
Reflective Learning Journal: Assignment 1
Joshua Forstenzer & Casey Strine
Your response can—indeed should—emerge from your own study, our seminar discussion, and your further reflection.
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The Engagement and Participation mark is designed to incentivise engagement with the module in and beyond the seminars. For this element, students should engage weekly with the Perusall assignments on the primary texts and in the seminar discussions. This work will prepare you for the final collection, revision, and submission of the learning journal.
The learning journal you submit will consist of three entries taken from the whole of the module, with at least one coming from weeks 2-6 (the religious traditions) and at least one coming from weeks 8-11 (the philosophical traditions). You can choose your four responses from any of questions that I have posed on Perusall.
Each entry should list the question you are responding to, the key text of the primary document you are discussing, and your response to the question. Your response can—indeed should—emerge from your own study, our seminar discussion, and your further reflection.
The length of your response should be 250 words, though you can go over this limit if you like. Good responses are not necessarily long, but detailed, succinct, and reflective of sustained reflection on the topic. Do not confuse more words for better content. Likewise, feel free to supplement your responses with images, a related piece of music, a poem, or the like that has shaped and informed your reflection. Feel free to be creative here... if you like, not as a necessity.
You should submit one of the reflections you think will be in your final learning journal no later that Monday, 7 November, at 5:00 PM (the Reading Week). These will be read, and formative feedback will be offered before classes start again in Week 8.
The Engagement and Participation mark is designed to incentivise engagement with the module in and beyond the seminars. For this element, students should engage weekly with the Perusall assignments on the primary texts and in the seminar discussions. This work will prepare you for the final collection, revision, and submission of the learning journal.
The learning journal you submit will consist of three entries taken from the whole of the module, with at least one coming from weeks 2-6 (the religious traditions) and at least one coming from weeks 8-11 (the philosophical traditions). You can choose your four responses from any of questions that I have posed on Perusall.
Each entry should list the question you are responding to, the key text of the primary document you are discussing, and your response to the question. Your response can—indeed should—emerge from your own study, our seminar discussion, and your further reflection.
The length of your response should be 250 words, though you can go over this limit if you like. Good responses are not necessarily long, but detailed, succinct, and reflective of sustained reflection on the topic. Do not confuse more words for better content. Likewise, feel free to supplement your responses with images, a related piece of music, a poem, or the like that has shaped and informed your reflection. Feel free to be creative here... if you like, not as a necessity.
You should submit one of the reflections you think will be in your final learning journal no later that Monday, 7 November, at 5:00 PM (the Reading Week). These will be read, and formative feedback will be offered before classes start again in Week 8.