Rabbi Shai Held on a Life Worth Living
Rabbi Shai Held with Miroslav Volf
Rabbi Shai Held is President, Dean, and Chair in Jewish Thought at the Hadar Institute in New York City.
"The human being is created in God's image, but whether we become God's likeness is a function of the choices we make."
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Rabbi Shai Held answers the question, What is a life worth living?, reflecting on a medieval midrash on Genesis 1:27.
"And God created humankind in the divine image,
creating it in the image of God—
creating them male and female."
"Love, I would argue, is the red thread that makes human life worth living. And that ... enables us to, at moments at least, live up to the love that God has bestowed upon us."
Rabbi Shai Held answers the question, What is a life worth living?, reflecting on a medieval midrash on Genesis 1:27.
"And God created humankind in the divine image,
creating it in the image of God—
creating them male and female."
"Love, I would argue, is the red thread that makes human life worth living. And that ... enables us to, at moments at least, live up to the love that God has bestowed upon us."