Ye Jin (Sally) Lee
Graduate Student, Georgia State University
Georgia State University
Department of Counseling & Psychological Services (Counseling Psychology program)
Yejin (Sally) Lee, Counseling Psychology Ph.D. student, Georgia State University.

Yejin (Sally) Lee is a doctoral student in the Counseling Psychology program at Georgia State University, where she is working under the mentorship of Dr. Don E. Davis. Her research interests lie in the area of positive psychology (e.g., gratitude and humility) and the psychology of religion/spirituality. She is also interested in the ways that counselors and educators can foster a multicultural orientation, or a way of being with clients and students, that allows space for individuals to feel comfortable sharing their cultural identities and deeply held values. Sally is interested in the ways that she can bring the Life Worth Living approach both to students and clients as fellow journeyers through life, with an emphasis on diversity and multiculturalism. She hopes to work with college students in the future, either as an educator or as a clinician. Sally is an international student from South Korea who grew up across four countries (Korea, U.S., Canada, Kenya). Outside of school, she enjoys traveling, journaling, and doing puzzles.