Theresa Kauder
Graduate Student, Yale
Yale University
Germanic Languages and Literatures; Certificate in Film and Media Studies
Theresa Naomi Kauder is a PhD Candidate in German and Film & Media Studies at Yale.

Theresa Naomi Kauder is a PhD Candidate in German and Film & Media Studies at Yale. Her research focuses on the intersection of Critical Theory, German Literature, Visual Art, and Film Theory & History. Her dissertation, “Allegories of Seeing,” examines figurations of (post-)romanticism in relation to the aesthetic and epistemological paradigm of visuality emerging around 1800 through the lens of film and media studies. Authors and directors include Novalis, E.T.A. Hoffmann, Benjamin, Lang, Wenders, Herzog, Handke, and Malick. Theresa holds a B.A. in Art History and an M.A. in Cultural History and Theory (Kulturwissenschaft) with Distinction from the Humboldt University of Berlin. She wrote her Bachelor’s thesis on Roland Barthes’ theory of autofiction and her master’s thesis on the later works of Michel Foucault. She received the Humboldt University Society (HUG) Prize for organizing the international lecture series “Subversion and Political Difference: Discourses and Perspectives between Political Emancipation and Post-Sovereignty.” In addition, she published papers (peer-reviewed) on contemporary literature and gender theory (such as on Hélène Cixous’s oneiric writing). Besides her research and teaching, she has worked as an assistant curator at the Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library and as a curatorial intern at the Guggenheim Museum of New York City.