Robin Landrith
Graduate Student, Boston College
Boston College
Robin Landrith is a sixth-year doctoral candidate at Boston College. She writes on medieval mysticism, moral theory, and hermeneutics.

Robin Landrith is a sixth-year doctoral candidate in Historical Theology at Boston College. She is writing her dissertation on the mysticism and moral theology of Richard of St. Victor, in which she argues that Richard’s concept of the “debt of love” is the root of his innovative understanding of the relationship between God and humanity. Richard elevates love’s demand on both, overturning the order of power in relationships traditionally considered unequal.Robin’s research interests include medieval and modern hermeneutics and theories of moral motivation. She has been invited to present papers at the University of Oxford and Baylor University, and she is a two-time recipient of the Clough Graduate Fellowship at Boston College. She was awarded the Donald J. White Teaching Excellence Award for her teaching in the 2022–2023 academic year. In addition to her academic work, she recently completed her fourth year as the volunteer assistant coach for the Boston College women’s softball team.