Kevin Gary
Associate Professor, Hillsdale College
The Called Life: Why am I Here?
Valparaiso University (prior institution)
Kevin Gary is an associate professor at Hillsdale College, where he teaches education.

Kevin Gary is an associate professor at Hillsdale College, where he teaches education. Dr. Gary formerly taught theology and education at Valparaiso University, as well as in the Christ College Honors Program. Dr. Gary’s research is primarily in philosophy of education. He recently published Why Boredom Matters: Education, Leisure, and the Quest for a Meaningful Life (Cambridge University Press, 2022). K-12 educators (and parents) face bored students every day. Drawing on multiple disciplines Dr. Gary makes a case for teachers guiding students to engage with boredom constructively, steering clear of restless boredom avoidance on the one hand, or passive submission to boredom on the other. Dr. Gary is passionate about liberal education, which aims to cultivate practical wisdom, compassion, and a Renaissance spirit.