Kathryn Reklis
Associate Professor, Fordham University
Faith and Critical Reason: Pursuing a Life Worth Living
Fordham University
Theology and Comparative Literature
Kathryn Reklis is Associate Professor of Theology and Co-Director of Comparative Literature at Fordham University in New York City.

Dr. Kathryn Reklis is Associate Professor of Modern Protestant Theology and Co-Director of the Comparative Literature program at Fordham University, where she is also an Affiliate Faculty in American Studies. Most of her research projects explore different ways Christian theologians and ordinary Christians appeal to and understand beauty, art, and embodied experience as a salve against the ills of modernity – whether those are understood as scientific rationalism, the iron cage of bureaucratic life, or the devastations of colonialism, racism, and patriarchy – even as Christian theology is complicit in funding many of these modern realities. She is the author of Theology and the Kinesthetic Imagination: Jonathan Edwards and the Making of Modernity (Oxford University Press, 2014) and Editor, together with Sarah Covington, of Protestant Art and Aesthetics (Routledge, 2020). She writes a monthly Screentime column on film, television, and other screened art for The Christian Century. Her current research projects include a cultural history of religion and literature programs and an exploration of the concept of “world” in World Literature and World Religion. She is beginning a new project on how theological images of the world affect attitudes toward climate science and climate action in conversation with decolonial environmental humanities.