Katherine Jo
Director of Program Development and Design, The Purpose Project, Duke
Duke University
The Kenan Institute for Ethics
Katherine Jo works with The Purpose Project at Duke, developing programs, curricula, and pedagogy that engage students in the question of how to live well.
Katherine Jo is the Director of Program Development and Design for The Purpose Project at Duke, where she develops programs, curricula, and pedagogy that engage students in the question of how to live well. She teaches the first-year seminar, “Education and (Un)happiness: The Promises and Risks of Elite Higher Education,” and the senior seminar, “What should I do with my life?: The Art of Choosing Well.” She also leads Teaching on Purpose, a program that prepares doctoral students for their future roles as educators of undergraduates. As an educator, she seeks to create hospitable learning communities that enliven students’ intellects, expand their imagination, enrich their search for truth and meaning, and encourage them as they navigate life. Katherine holds a B.A. in Sociology from Harvard University, an M.A. in Philosophy and Education from Teachers College, Columbia University, and a Ph.D. in Philosophy of Education from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Her scholarly interests include philosophies of liberal learning, the ethical dimensions of teaching, and the place of religion in higher education. She has previously worked in career development, undergraduate advising, and faculty development.