Jesse Peterson
Assistant Professor, George Fox University
Philosophies of Life
George Fox University
School of Theology and Honors Program
Jesse Peterson is an Assistant Professor of Biblical Studies in the School of Theology and Honors Program at George Fox University.

Jesse Peterson is an Assistant Professor of Biblical Studies in the School of Theology and Honors Program at George Fox University. Before coming to George Fox he taught at Purdue University, where he was a visiting faculty member in the institution’s Cornerstone Integrated Liberal Arts program. In addition, he spent several years in New York City and taught as an adjunct faculty member at Fordham University and St. John’s University.
Dr. Peterson's academic research brings biblical texts and traditions into dialogue with philosophy, both ancient and modern. His work on the book of Ecclesiastes/Qoheleth has been published in Harvard Theological Review, Vetus Testamentum, and the Journal of Theological Studies. A full monograph on the topic is forthcoming with Cambridge University Press.
Dr. Peterson earned a Ph.D. in Hebrew Bible from the Department of Theology and Religion at Durham University in Durham, UK, in 2021, and also holds an M.Div. from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary and a bachelor’s degree in music and Jewish studies from the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities.