Ellen Posman
Professor, Baldwin Wallace University
Life Worth Living Course for BW
Baldwin Wallace University
Dr. Ellen Posman is Chair and Professor of Religion at Baldwin Wallace University where she teaches comparative religions with specializations in Buddhism and Judaism.

Dr. Ellen Posman is Chair and Professor of Religion and holds the BW Chair of Faith and Life at Baldwin Wallace University, where she teaches comparative religions with specializations in Buddhism and Judaism while also directing a Center dedicated to interfaith and social justice work in the Greater Cleveland area. In addition to courses on Asian Religions and on Judaism, she teaches thematic comparative religion courses on such topics as gender and sexuality, violence and peacemaking, the environment, death and the afterlife, and religious diversity in the United States. As an ethnographic researcher, she lived in Tibetan Buddhist refugee communities in India and Nepal from 1999 to 2001, participated in a faculty peace delegation to Israel and Palestine in 2006, visited Turkey as part of an interfaith dialogue group in 2008, and spent time researching Buddhism and culture in Taiwan in 2004, Thailand in 2011, and Sri Lanka in 2015. She has published on religion and violence, religion and vegetarianism, religious exile and diaspora, and religion in film. Her scholarship on teaching includes contributions to an anthology on pedagogies for civic engagement in religious studies and a stint as coeditor of the “Spotlight on Teaching” section of Religious Studies News.