
Drew Collins

Associate Research Scholar, Yale Center for Faith & Culture



Yale University


Yale Center for Faith & Culture

Drew Collins is Associate Research Scholar at the Yale Center for Faith & Culture.

Drew Collins received his PhD in theology at the University of Cambridge, working with David Ford on the Christian theology of religions, the theology of Hans Frei and the 20th century ecumenical movement. After receiving his BA in Religious Studies from Yale College and his MDiv from Yale Divinity School, Drew moved to London to serve as the University Program Manager at the Tony Blair Faith Foundation, overseeing a global network of nine universities collaborating on research and teaching on the intersection between the secular forces of globalization and religious faiths. While helping out on an Alpha Course at his church, Holy Trinity Brompton, he met his future wife, Mary. They have three children—Agatha, Archie, and Wilfred. In New Haven, Drew and his family attend http://www.stjohnsnewhaven.org/.

Drew co-teaches the undergraduate course, “Life Worth Living.” At YDS, he teaches “Christ & Being Human”. His current research interests include the Christian theology of religions, figural interpretation, the influence of apologetics on contemporary Christian theology, and scriptural reasoning.

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