HUMS 280: What Matters Most

Yale University

Course Description:

"What is a good life?" is a daunting question. While each of us needs to answer it, it is almost impossible to do so all at once. This course divides the question of the good life into smaller, but still very significant questions, like: Who do we answer to for the shape of our lives? What should we hope for? What is the role of suffering in a good life? Readings and discussion-heavy lectures engage a number of ancient and contemporary voices from a variety of religious, philosophical, ideological, and cultural perspectives. Through a series of small writing assignments, students respond to each of life's big questions for themselves and synthesize these responses into their own account of what matters and why.

Matthew Croasmun

Matthew Croasmun

Director, Life Worth Living Program at Yale

Ryan McAnnally-Linz

Ryan McAnnally-Linz

Associate Director, Yale Center for Faith & Culture

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